Racconto d'amore
Műfaj: Documentary film
Év: 1969
Játékidő: 00:12:00
Leírás: This documentary puts together different moments of Pier Antonio Quarantotto Gambini’s poetic journey, pausing on the only work in verse by this writer from Trieste, “Racconto d'amore” (Love Story), published posthumously and idealistically dedicated to his teacher in life and in poetry, Umberto Saba.
Kulcsszavak: EFG1914 / World War I
Szolgáltató: Cineteca di Bologna
Jogok: In Copyright / For information about the rights holder please contact Cineteca di Bologna.
Gyártó: Corona Cinematografica
Szín: Colour
Director: Frezza, Andrea Albino
Sound: With sound
A dokument típusa:
Gyűjtemény: Cineteca di Bologna Film Collection
Language: it